Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cage Fights, Bars and Dad

Today my Dad told me he went to watch some cage fighting last night. And then continued to tell me details about his 225 pound friend who was fighting. He works with war veterans and one of his younger vets is a pro fighter. So last night he went to a bar and watched him "beat the shit out of a Tongan." I asked him if any girls fought and he just said unfortunately not and laughed. I can't wait for the night he comes home wasted. At this rate he should be a drunk by Christmas. And that would be the best gift I could ever receive. I love my family.


Jarrard said...

I dream all day long of beating the shit out of a Tongan. Just thinking about it makes me feel great. Congratulations to Walter's friend. Congratulations to you too, Dawn, for putting up another post after 4 months.

Melissa said...

My father was telling a great story the other day about a former employee of his who was also a boxer. The guys at work used to joke about buying advertising space on the bottoms of this fellow's shoes due to the amount of time he would spend knocked out on the floor of the ring.

Sarah-Ashley said...

Oh Walter. Oh Walter. Still my favorite thing Walt recently done was saying, "D-O Y-O-U W-A-N-T T-O W-A-T-C-H A C-O-M-E-D-Y? A C-O-M-E-D-Y I-S V-E-R-Y F-U-N-N-Y."

Elizabeth said...

I really enjoyed this story Dawn.

Bridger W. said...

Your father will never stop surprising me.

Craig Barlow B. said...

From learning this I feel a lot better about handing your dad a note where I threatened to burn your neighborhood to the ground. He's just one of the guys.

Mandee lost her individuality. said...

your blog would have amazing potential. If only you updated more often...

p.s. thanks for being a super fantastical waitress at an amazingly yummy restaurant

C&C Ballet Academy said...

Ya I think that dance id better :)